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How to Make Your ESG Efforts Measurable and Impactful

How to Make Your ESG Efforts Measurable and Impactful

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is no longer a buzzword. It’s become a major strategic component of virtually every leading corporation’s strategy. The focus on ESG is well-placed, as a company’s approach to ESG can impact everything from its reputation to...

How to Create a Blueprint for Transformation Success

How to Create a Blueprint for Transformation Success

In 2016, about 74% of employees were willing to support organizational change. However, Gartner reported that the statistic fell to only 38% in 2022. This is becoming a serious problem as more and more organizations operate in a mode of continuous transformation. For...

10 Cost Transformation Events to Attend in 2024

10 Cost Transformation Events to Attend in 2024

Technology moves fast in today’s enterprise world and keeping up with the tech is just one of the challenges for any business in 2024. One key way to stay on top of all the new tools, software and trends within the business ecosystem is attending either virtual or in...